About Us

Our story



As a machine shop, we recognize how competitive the machining industry is. With our CNC machining business, our focus has been on short run production. One-offs and prototypes. 

Like so many other machine shops, we wanted to explore CNC automation for our own shop to increase productivity and lower parts production costs. What we found, was an array of automation solutions available for high volume production. Production of multiples of the same part, same material, and same processes. Being a job shop, these solutions didn’t fit our business model.

We were in search of a CNC robotics solution for short-run production or single parts machining. A robotic CNC cell with unlimited part capabilities.  We couldn’t find a solution. 

So we built one!

As a machine shop ourselves, we can help you bridge the gap between machining and CNC machine automation. We understand the challenges and hurdles, and can help you overcome them with a successful implementation of robotics for your short-run production. In short, we can help you become more competitive than ever before!

CNC Industrial robotics


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